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  1. Sample Pdf File
  2. Pdf Explode Download

PDF-eXPLODE turns documents like invoices, statements and other reports and correspondence, into secure e-mails that are sent to customers all at once from your business software. Instead of printing, sorting, stuffing and mailing stacks of paper, or e-mailing documents one-by-one, PDF-eXPLODE uses the computer to do the work. PDFExplode can split your large PDF into many PDFs. This app is unique in that it can extract pages corresponding to any Table of Contents (TOC) entry in your PDF. For example, extract PDF of any or each chapter in a long PDF text or manual. Browse the PDFExplode User Guide online. See Release Notes for PDFExplode. Updated May 2019.

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Below we show how to divide PDFs into multiple files.

Sample Pdf File


Pdf Explode Download

  1. Upload your files

    Files are safely uploaded over an encrypted connection. Files stay secure. Katana zero. After processing, they are permanently deleted.

    Rather not upload your files and work with them offline?
    Try Sejda Desktop. Same features as the online service, and the files never leave your computer.

    Click 'Upload' and select files from your local computer.

    Dragging and dropping files to the page also works.

    Dropbox or Google Drive files

    You can pick PDF files from Dropbox or Google Drive too.

    Expand the 'Upload' dropdown and select your files.

  2. How to save multipage PDF into separate pages

    Want to split every PDF page to a separate document? Select 'Extract every page into a PDF'.

  3. How to extract every 2 pages from PDF

    Want to extract every two pages into a new PDF? An example would be an original 12 pages document being split into 6 smaller documents, having 2 pages each. First document has pages 1 and 2, next one has pages 3 and 4 and so on.

    Click 'More options', then select 'Split every X pages'.

    In the next screen, displaying all pages, type '2' into the number of pages field.

  4. How to split PDF by every X page

    Let's say you have a 12 pages document and you'd like to split it into 3 documents, each containing 4 pages from the original. Here's how to do it.

    Click 'More options', then select 'Split every X pages'.

    In the next screen you can set the number of pages the resulting documents should contain.

  5. How to visually select PDF pages to split at

    You want to split the document at certain pages. For example a 12 pages document needs to be split in two, first part should have first 3 pages and the second part the remaining 9 pages.

    Choose 'Select pages to split'. The next screen should display all pages in the document.

    Click on pages. You should see a color coded visual preview of how the document will be divided.

    Example: Click on page 4 and page 10 if you want to split the document in 3 parts: first containing pages 1-4, second containing pages 5-10 and last pages 11 to the end.

    Wrong selection? Just click the same page again to undo. There's also a 'Reset selection' button in the top part of the page to start over.

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