Teams On Remote Desktop Server

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This document describes deployment via Remote Desktop Services, including RemoteApp and Terminal Server, (formerly Windows Terminal Server).

System requirements¶

  • Deploy on one of the following:

    • Windows Server 2019

    • Windows Server 2016, Windows 10

    • Windows Server 2012 R2 standard

    • Windows Server 2008 R2

  • User profile data in the <user>/appdata/Roaming folder and the HKCU hive should roam with user so that they are synced on the server instance where the user logs in. Administrators can use any available technique for profile redirection such as folder redirection or other profile management tools.

  • Trial deployments are unsupported.

Tested environments¶

To do so, click StartAdminstrative Tools1Remote Desktop Services Remote Desktop Session Host Configuration. Under Connections, right-click the name of the connection and then click Properties. On the General tab, select Allow the connection only from computers running Remote Desktop with Network Level Authentication checkbox; Click OK. Use the Microsoft Remote Desktop app to connect to a remote PC or virtual apps and desktops made available by your admin. The app helps you be productive no matter where you are. Getting Started Configure your PC for remote access first.

Adobe validates all Acrobat DC products in a Windows Terminal Server environment.

The environments used for validation were set up in the following ways:

  • Acrobat DC:

    • Windows Server 2016, Windows 10

    • Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Edition 64bit, Windows Server 2012 64bit & Windows Server 2012 R2 64bit

    • Client operating systems: Windows 7 (32-bit and 64-bit), Windows 8 (32 and 64-bit) and Windows 8.1 (32 and 64-bit)

    • RemoteApp and Remote Desktop Web Access

Tuning for virtual envs¶

Tune the installer prior to imaging and deployment.

Tuning helps mitigate performance issues, simplifies the end user experience, and allows you to disable features and behaviors that should not be accessible to end users in an IT-managed environment.

  • Install the latest product.

  • Disable the updater.

  • Accept the EULA on behalf of all users by setting the appropriate registry key.

  • Use SUPPRESSLANGSELECTION on the command line at install time to disable user’s ability to change the language.

  • If the product language should be different than the OS languages, set the language.

  • Supress registration (there are multiple ways: Wizard, cmd line property, PRTK tool).

  • Disable push notifications: Set bToggleNotifications to 0.

  • Disable the Help > Repair Acrobat Installation menu by setting:

    • 32 bit machines: [HKLMSOFTWAREAdobe(productname)(version)Installer]'Disable_Repair'

    • 64 bit machines: [HKLMSOFTWAREWow6432NodeAdobe(productname)(version)Installer]'Disable_Repair'

Scrolling performance

If scrolling performance is poor in graphic intensive documents, try the following:

  1. Go to Edit > Preferences > Rendering.

  2. Uncheck Smooth line art and Smooth images. Alternatively, you can set these preferences during pre-deployment configuration:


Distiller performance

  • In some environments, Distiller performance may suffer if the messages.log file becomes too large after a number of Distiller operations. Delete this file periodically. It is located at ApplicationDataAdobeAcrobatDistiller<version>messages.log.

  • Remove unused fonts from the Windows installation.

Folder permissions

Protected Mode will only work when the USERS group has the following permissions on the product installation folder: Read and execute, List folder contents, Read. For a default installation, the path might be C:ProgramFiles(x86)AdobeAcrobatReaderDC.

Other settings

There are over 500 other registry preferences documented in the Preference Reference . Use the Wizard or manual/scripted methods to customer the product.


Only licensed users should have access to the virtual Acrobat instance. For more information, refer to the Software license terms.

RDS deployments support the following licensing options:

  • Serial numbers

  • Named user licensing

  • Feature restricted licensing

For details, see

Named user licensing¶

See more results

Named user licensing (NUL) is the preferred activation method. Kaleidoscope to you coupon.

DC products support NUL and user management via the Admin Console. The Console supports managing single user and group entitlements for all Adobe products as well as Single Sign-On. It also provides tools for managing software, users, and devices and support multiple ID types. With NUL, end users simply “activate” Acrobat by logging in to any VM or machine. License-related data is saved in the <user>/AppData/Roaming/Adobe/ folder which is synced to the VM on login.


Trial installs and the Classic track do not support named user licensing.

Image-based deployment¶

  1. Set up profile redirection. User profile data in <user>/AppData/Roaming/Adobe/ as well as the HKCU hive must sync to the VM instance on which the user logs in. Admins should ensure that such data is saved on user logout or disconnect. Some systems provide VM tools; for example, Citrix (Citrix Profile Management) and VMware Horizon (View Personal Management). At a minimum, sync the following:

  • File: C:Users<User>AppDataRoamingAdobeAdobeUserInfo

  • Folders

    • C:Users<User>AppDataRoamingAdobeOOBE

    • C:Users<User>AppDataRoamingAdobeSLData

  • HKCUSoftware registries:

    • Adobe

    • MicrosoftInternet ExplorerToolbarWebBrowser{47833539-D0C5-4125-9FA8-0819E2EAAC93}

    • MicrosoftInternet ExplorerMenuExt

    • Wow6432NodeGoogleChromeExtensionsefaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj

    • Wow6432NodeGoogleChromeNativeMessagingHostscom.adobe.acrobat.chrome_webcapture

  1. Log in to master image.

  2. (Optional) Customize the installer with the Customization Wizard.

  3. Install Acrobat on the master image by calling the default exe or the one you modified with the Wizard. Use the following command:

  1. Verify the following registry keys are present and the string (REG_SZ) values are 1 on the master image. If not, create the key and set the value as 1.

  1. If you are using a Federated ID or connectors (like Dropbox), enable third party cookies:

    1. Choose Internet Explorer > Settings > Internet Options > Privacy > Advanced.

    2. For First-party cookies, choose Accept.

    3. For Third-party cookies, choose Accept.

  1. Shut down the master image.

  2. Take a snapshot of the master image.

  3. Update all VM desktops with the new snapshot.


Unlike serialized deployments, do not launch Acrobat on the master image.

Serialized deployments¶

Remote desktop connection server

Note Lou gehrig the lost memoir.

On November 30, 2019, some customers may see their serial numbers expire. To avoid interruption and to access the latest versions of the apps, migrate to named user licensing or update your serial number.

To image a machine with Acrobat, first generate a prov.xml file on an online machine and then create a permanent offline exception that is not machine specific. Note the following:

  • Supported for volume licenses only.

  • Acrobat need not be installed.

  • The target machine must be online.


  1. Download the latest Adobe Provisioning Toolkit Enterprise Edition.

  2. Open an elevated prompt (run as administrator).

  3. Generate a prov.xml file on any machine connected to the internet using the following APTEE tool command line with the following options:

    • serial: The serial number

    • regsuppress=ss: Optional (but recommended); suppresses registration

    • eulasuppress: Optional; suppresses the EULA prompt

    • locales: Optional; specify from the limited list of locales in the formal xx_XX or ALL

    • provfile: Optional; path of the folder where prov.xml is created. If this parameter is not specified, prov.xml is created in the folder in which APTEE resides.

    • LEID:

      • DC Continuous Track: V7{}AcrobatCont-12-Win-GM

      • Classic Track 2020: V7{}AcrobatESR-20-Win-GM

      • Classic Track 2017: V7{}AcrobatESR-17-Win-GM

      • Classic Track 2015: V7{}AcrobatESR-12-Win-GM

  1. Install Acrobat on the master image.

  2. On the master image, copy the prov.xml file created above.

  3. Serialize and activate Acrobat using the following APTEE tool command line:

  1. For Acrobat Classic 2020 deployments, create and set IsAMTEnforced to 1.

  1. Launch Acrobat once for about a minute and close.


Granting an offline exception using the Customization Wizard for an imaged OS deployment method is not supported. Use the PRTK tool.

Feature Restricted Licensing¶

Acrobat supports Feature Restricted Connected and Offline Licensing (FRL) in most virtual environments, including Citrix, VMWare, RDS/WTS, and App-V. Use this package type for end-users who:

  • Cannot adopt named user licensing since they are not allowed to use online services.

  • The users are periodically connected to the Internet (FRL connected).

  • Restricted environment with no internet (FRL offline).

Support is limited to:

  • FRL offline

These high level steps do not supersede the details on the FRL page or the deployment steps below, but in general, use the Admin Console to create an FRL-enabled Acrobat package:

  • Create license-only package from the Admin Console and deploy Acrobat from a standalone installer, OR

  • Create an FRL package that embeds Acrobat.

Then, deploy as usual:

  1. (Optional) Customize the installer with the Customization Wizard.

  2. Log in to the master image.

  3. Install the package on the master image. If you have created a license-only package, first run the Acrobat installer followed by the license-only package.

  4. Shut down the master image.

  5. Take a snapshot of the master image, and update all VM desktops.

Troubleshooting steps:

  • Verify that FRL package is applied properly on the master image.

  • Validate that ASNP, Certificates and Operating Configuration folders are present at C:ProgramDataAdobe<folder> on the master image.

  • If present, remove HKLMSOFTWAREWOW6432NodeAdobeAdobeAcrobatDCActivationIsAMTEnforced.

Shared Device Licensing¶

Acrobat does not support Shared Device Licensing (SDL) in virtual environments.

However, SDL may prove useful to you in other business contexts. SDL is a licensing model to deploy and manage Adobe applications in labs and shared device setups, where multiple users use the devices and applications. The software license is assigned to a device or computer instead of an individual. SDL is ideal for computers in labs or classrooms, but is not designed for use on machines used by dedicated users. For dedicated users, we recommend you deploy named-user licenses. For more detail, see

Terminal Server deployment¶

You must install applications by using Add or Remove Programs on the RDS server.

To install Acrobat products:

  1. Choose Start > Settings > Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs.

  2. Choose Install.

  3. Choose Next > Browse to locate the installer.

  4. Choose Finish.


Some users have experienced issues where Anti Virus software conflicts with Acrobat’s licensing components (e.g. PDApp.exe). If you are experiencing problems, try disabling the software temporarily.

Known issues common to virtual installs¶

Isntall Teams On Remote Desktop Server

  • Push notifications to specific users are unsupported.

  • If users sign in on both a virtual environment and a physical machine, then they may be randomly signed out from a physical machine. This is because users can activate Acrobat on multiple virtual machines while only two activations are allowed per user. The current implementation provides an over activation workflow for these environments which does not force users to see or interact with any dialogs.

  • Volume licenses are deleted when multiple users launch the product simultaneously before it is activated.

  • In the Help menu, signed-in users are not shown as signed-in on subsequent sessions.

  • Users may appear as signed-in on the Help menu even if they are signed out from the Creative Cloud Desktop application or signed out of the current session.

  • Signing in with IDs having no subscriptions may result in random failures.

Why do I see an error that my license is expired or not activated?

Users must launch Acrobat prior to using “Print to PDF”, the Microsoft Office Acrobat plugin, or any other PDF Maker features.

RDS-specific issues¶

  • Signing in with an Adobe ID on both RDS environments and non-RDS environments may result in random sign outs from non-RDS environments.

Remove Teams Remote Desktop Server


If you use Remote Desktop Services (RDS) to provide shared computers to users in your organization, you can install Microsoft 365 Apps on those computers. But, you have to use the Office Deployment Tool and enable shared computer activation to do the installation.

The following are two common RDS scenarios:

  • Install Microsoft 365 Apps on an RDS server.

  • Install Microsoft 365 Apps on a shared virtual machine.

What you need to get started

The following is a list of prerequisites that you need to deploy Microsoft 365 Apps or the Project and Visio desktop apps with RDS:

  • One of the following plans:
    • An Office 365 (or Microsoft 365) plan that includes Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise, purchased through a Volume Licensing Program.
    • A Microsoft 365 Business Premium plan that includes Microsoft 365 Apps for business.
    • For the Project and Visio desktop apps, a subscription plan that includes those products.
  • The Office Deployment Tool, which is available on the Microsoft Download Center.
  • A separate user account for each user who logs on to the shared computer.
  • An eligible license assigned to each user account.
  • A version of Windows listed in the Microsoft 365 plans for business, education, and government system requirements.
  • Reliable connectivity between the shared computer and the internet.
  • If you're deploying Microsoft 365 Apps on a shared virtual machine, Microsoft supports using Hyper-V only.


  • The ability to enable shared computer activation is a Microsoft 365 Business Premium entitlement and not a feature of Microsoft 365 Apps for business in general.
  • The reliable internet connectivity is required because the shared computer must be able to contact the Office Licensing Service on the internet to obtain a license for each user who uses the Microsoft 365 Apps on the computer and then activate Microsoft 365 Apps. Internet connectivity is also needed to renew the license, which occurs every few days.

Install Microsoft 365 Apps on an RDS server

In this scenario, you install Microsoft 365 Apps on a computer configured as a Remote Desktop Session Host server. This enables multiple users to connect remotely to this computer. The users can each run Office programs, such as Word or Excel, at the same time. The overall process is the same for the Project and Visio desktop apps.

Here are the basic steps of how to install Microsoft 365 Apps on an RDS server:

  1. Install and configure Windows Server.

  2. Install and configure the Remote Desktop Session Host role service.

    For example, follow these steps to install RD Session Host on Windows Server.

    For users to be able to connect remotely to the server to use Microsoft 365 Apps, their accounts must be members of the Remote Desktop Users group on the RD Session Host server.

  3. Use the Office Customization Tool to create a configuration file. Make sure to tick the Shared Computer box in the Licensing and activation section. Export the resulting configuration file and save it to the same location as the extracted Office Deployment Tool.

    You can also create a configuration file using a text editor. Make sure that it includes the following line:

    You use the SharedComputerLicensing setting to enable shared computer activation, which is required to use Microsoft 365 Apps on a shared computer.

  4. Use the Office Deployment Tool and the configuration file to install Microsoft 365 Apps on the RD Session Host server.

Teams On Remote Desktop Server

At this point, users can connect to the RD Session Host server and use Microsoft 365 Apps. Users can connect to the server by using Remote Desktop Connection, which is available in Windows, or by using other Remote Desktop clients.

Install Microsoft 365 Apps on a shared virtual machine

In this scenario, you install Microsoft 365 Apps as part of a client operating system image, such as one running Windows 8.1 or Windows 10. Then, you use RDS and Hyper-V to create a group of virtual machines based on that image. These virtual machines can be shared by multiple users. In RDS, this is known as either a virtual desktop pool or a pooled virtual desktop collection, depending on which version of RDS that you're using.


You can also use RDS to assign a virtual machine to a specific user. RDS calls that a personal virtual desktop. In that scenario, you don't use shared computer activation, because the virtual machine isn't shared among multiple users.

Here are the basic steps of how to configure RDS to deploy Microsoft 365 Apps on a shared virtual machine:

  1. Create the operating system image:

    • Follow the instructions to Deploy Microsoft 365 Apps as part of an operating system image. In Step 2 of the instructions, make sure that your configuration.xml file also includes the following line to enable shared computer activation:
    • You also need to make some RDS-specific changes on the virtual machine, such as enabling Remote Desktop.
  2. Install and configure Windows Server.

  3. Install and configure RDS.

    For example, follow these steps to deploy a virtual desktop collection on Windows Server.

Deploy Microsoft 365 Apps By Using Remote Desktop Services ..

After you've completed all the RDS configuration steps, users can connect to any of the virtual machines and run Microsoft 365 Apps.

Teams On Remote Desktop Server Download

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