Wordpress Markdown

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Markdown is a lightweight and easy-to-use syntax for creating HTML. Let’s see some of the advantages of using this emerging format with the Import Markdown plugin: Markdown is extremely easy to use, the tokens available with the Markdown syntax can be learned in less than 30 minutes. Markdown translates to perfect HTML. Markdown is a simplified version of HTML that is widely used by a number of content management systems around the Internet. If you want to know how to convert WordPress to Markdown, this post may help. The new WordPress editor, Gutenberg, supports Markdown out of the box. But if you export your WordPress site, the output is an XML file.

Smart People

Whoa. Some people are really friggin’ smart. Well, lots of people are, but right now I’m specifically referring to Duncan Temple Lang (@duncantl), who developed the R package, RWordPress, and William K. Morris (@wkmor1), Yihui Xie (@xieyihui), and Jared Lander (@jaredlander), who developed the knit2wp function in knitr. These two packages make it possible to write a blog post in R Markdown and then publish it directly to a WordPress site. This post walks you through the steps to do so, inspired in large part by Xie’s instructions.

[cue sparklers]

Three Easy Steps

1. Install the relevant packages

First, you need to install the relevant packages, which are knitr, devtools, and RWordPress. Here’s the R code:

2. Write Your Blog Post in R Markdown

Wordpress Markdown Export

Now write your blog post in R Markdown. You can use this very post as a starting point, if you’d like. I’ve linked the Rmd file here, which I created in RStudio (File –> New File –> R Markdown…). The Rmd file ultimately contains all of your blog post content. You can find all kinds of help with R Markdown by simply Googling it.

3. Upload

Once you’ve created your blog post as an Rmd file, it’s time to publish it. You first need to tell RWordPress the information to use to get to your WordPress site. Simply input the correct user, password, and URL in the relevant places in the options line below.

Wordpress Markdown

Finally, invoke the knit2wp function, which tells knitr to create the html code and upload it to your WordPress site. Specify the Rmd file name, blog post title, and any additional arguments. Here I’ve set a “publish = FALSE” argument; this means that the post will get uploaded but it won’t be publicly available just yet. This is ideal if you want to head to your WordPress site to preview the post before publishing manually. If you set “publish = TRUE”, then it’ll be publicly available immediately.


That’s it. I’m pretty new to doing this but I already love being able to write blog posts in R Markdown. It’s perfectly suited to the task, even for posts that don’t rely on displaying and/or running R code. The RWordPress and knitr packages in combination with R Markdown make it especially easy for WordPress bloggers to get their ideas out of the brain and into public view.


It’s also worth pointing out something I learned from Kris Shaffer (@krisshaffer), when he appeared on a Teaching in Higher Ed podcast recently.

What we should know about APIs w/ @krisshaffer#diglithttps://t.co/XdLgW31Jaypic.twitter.com/gzAkFWXoju

— Bonni Stachowiak (@bonni208) July 21, 2017

He made the good point that one should retain personal copies of one’s posts. When you have your blog post saved in .Rmd format, you’ve achieved this goal. Bonus.

Have you posted to WordPress through R Markdown? Got any general suggestions for blogging via R Markdown? Share your experiences in the comments below or via Twitter @HeatherUrry.

Since 2004, Markdown has achieved huge growth in the area of web publishing. Being syntax, Markdown makes the concept of writing HTML very easy, and once you’re used to it, you will see that you can write the posts with little effort, while also not being anxious about the formatting factor. Markdown represents itself to provide shortcuts while the posts are being drafted, then further transforming the desired content into a framed HTML mark-up at the time of publication. Through the use of the use of free Wordpress plugins, inserting Markdown towards WordPress is a quick, useful, and consistent process

We’ve listed the 10 best Markdown plugins for WordPress website below.

1. Jetpack

Markdown is considered as a significant feature of Jetpack as it is a complete toolset mainly for the WordPress users. This plugin includes interesting features which bears carousels, social media publishing, unlimited scrolling, improved comments, etc. With the help of this plugin, you can easily activate or deactivate distinct modules, and one of those modules is Markdown support system in Jetpack which stands as one big flagship for WordPress. Jetpack also used Markdown Extra that offers features such as inline HTML, tables, code blocks, etc. Jetpack is surely the best plugin to begin with.

2. WP Markdown

Besides the general Markdown, the WP Markdown offers some of the additional features. If you intend to utilize Markdown for pages, posts, comments or custom post types, you can simply activate or deactivate this plugin in the settings > writing. All the posts are required to be written with the use of Markdown syntax. The help bar is one of the extra features of WP Markdown that is mainly used by the post editor and comments to add images, links, block quotes, and several formatting elements.

3. Typewriter

Eliminating the Visual Editor feature in WP, the Typewriter restores it with a Markdown editor straightly. In a technical way, Typewriter gets rid of TinyMCE editor and makes a default to the Markdown precise Text editor. Typewriter is absolutely fine while executing with the code a lot, and managing the markdown purely.

4. WP Githuber MD

WP Githuber MD is free and open source. After you install this WP Githuber MD, you will see the editor split to two panes, the left pane is the edit section and the preview area on the right. It displays in real-time whatever changes you make to the document. Sky force anniversary. The Editor has at the top a toolbar with options toinsert code snippets, format your text, bulleted or numbered lists, quotations, create web links, insert tables, horizontal lines. You also create math formulas and UML with text, copy and paste image into your document. The HTML to Markdown tool beside the Editor is also useful.

5. Gust

Gust offers a trial version to get a fresh and pleasant admin panel of Ghost back towards the WordPress platform. Its latest features include autosave support; PHP 5.2 compatibility; custom fields [post-meta] support; featured image [post-thumbnail] support; add new category dialog; new custom post types support; tighter addition with WP including Edit links, Admin Bar links, etc.; media upload integration; posts/pages Markdown editor; post category support; post tags support; and post scheduling support.

Wordpress Markdown Code Highlighting

6. Parsedown for WordPress

With the use of Parsedown library, the Parsedown for WP plugin can easily develop your posts and comments. It is an effectual, recent PHP execution of Markdown syntax. This plugin is quicker, more reliable and very actively built and expanded.

7. Smart Syntax

This plugin inserts Google attractive syntax in an automatic way, thus reflecting towards the fenced code blocks in contents as well as comments. Created with Jetpack markdown set in mind, Smart Syntax approaches the command of markdown additional to the WP, and offers you to utilize markdown syntax easily for the enclosed code blocks.

8. Advanced Custom Fields – Markdown Field

This plugin inserts a markdown field that is only a text portion with few extra features and tools which turns the writing markdown even more interesting. In this plugin the preview mode, themes for editor, and syntax highlighting is added, and further constituted in the field-group settings. The Advanced Custom Fields is well-suited with *ACF5*ACF4.

9. MarkPress

MarkPress occupies your WP install on activation mode. It allows your users to swiftly write the Markdown journal with the use of WordPress. You can type the Markdown on left side, and view the live update on right side. Only when any user is logged in, the Markdown can execute. It saves automatically and also inserts new notes swiftly. The plugin even executes on the mobile, and is truly superb.

10. Shownotes

This plugin makes the Show Notes simpler, writes them on OSF, and acquires them in the form of HTML. It alters the Shownotes present in Open Shownotes Format [OSF] to the mp4 Chapters, HTML, as well as Audacity label tracks. This plugin can also bring in the show notes rightly from the shownotes, and will also offer many distinct metadata features.

Wordpress Gutenberg Markdown

11. PrettyPress

Wordpress Markdown Reference

After you install the PrettyPress plugin, you’ll see a new button emerge in the sidebar of post editor Launch PrettyPress, and when that button will be pressed, a new editor window will be initiated. The normal WYSIWYG post editor is positioned on the left side, whereas a live preview of the real post on the right side can be viewed in the activated theme. Besides, you can have your visual editor to do the drafting of the posts.

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