Pandas Web Scraping

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Pandas makes it easy to scrape a table (<table> tag) on a web page. After obtaining it as a DataFrame, it is of course possible to do various processing and save it as an Excel file or csv file.

Web Scraping with Python: Collecting More Data from the Modern Web — Book on Amazon. Jose Portilla's Data Science and ML Bootcamp — Course on Udemy. Easiest way to get started with Data Science. Covers Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Scikit-learn, and a lot of other useful topics. Web Scraping with Pandas and Beautifulsoup Web scraping. Pandas has a neat concept known as a DataFrame. A DataFrame can hold data and be easily manipulated. Converting to lists. Rows can be converted to Python lists. Pretty print pandas dataframe. You can convert it to an ascii table with the. Web scraping python beautifulsoup tutorial with example. Web scraping python beautifulsoup tutorial with example: The data present are unstructured and web scraping will help to collect data and store it. There are many ways of scraping websites and online services. Use the API of the website.


In this article you’ll learn how to extract a table from any webpage. Sometimes there are multiple tables on a webpage, so you can select the table you need.

Related course:Data Analysis with Python Pandas

Pandas web scraping

Install modules

It needs the modules lxml, html5lib, beautifulsoup4. You can install it with pip.


You can use the function read_html(url) to get webpage contents.

The table we’ll get is from Wikipedia. We get version history table from Wikipedia Python page:

Pandas Web Scraping Pdf

This outputs:

Because there is one table on the page. If you change the url, the output will differ.
To output the table:

You can access columns like this:


Pandas Web Scraping

Once you get it with DataFrame, it’s easy to post-process. If the table has many columns, you can select the columns you want. See code below:

Python Web Page Scraping

Then you can write it to Excel or do other things:

Web Scraping Python Pandas

Related course:Data Analysis with Python Pandas

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